Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Final Fights

The sharks kept coming and coming. They would not leave my fish alone. With every shark, there was less and less meat on the fish. I was tired and hungry. I was running out of weapons to use to deffend my fish. I lost my rope, my knife, my harpoon, everything. I had to start beating the sharks with my old, weak hands. Thankfully, i know just where to hit them to kill them. The base of the brain. I was getting close to home though. I did get some rest, but then there were more sharks. There was hardly any fish left. I know that I had been beaten. After that, i paid no attention to the sharks eating the fish carcass. When i finally reached my town, i carried the skeleton of my fish to my house. When i awoke the nesxt morning, the other fisherman and Manolin were in my house. Manolin was crying. I think it was because he was happy to see that i was safe. He is going to fish with me again.

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