Monday, October 1, 2012

Fighting for the Fish

The fish is strong and wise. It is a very good opponent. The only company I have had, besides the fish, was a bird. But he didnt stay long. I ate some of the tuna to keep me strong. I now have a rope burn and a cut under my eye. The fish jerked me forward and a part of the boat cut me under the eye.  I talk to myself a lot. No one is here to hear me so it's alright. My hand is cramping pretty bad.  The fish is swimming higher now, so i can tell it is getting tired. I wish it would swim with the current. I would know then that it really was getting warn out and tired.  I am glad it isn't a dolphin. Dolphin are too sweet. The fish is my brother but i must kill him. I ate more tuna to stop the cramping in my hand. I hope it stops soon.

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