Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The battle all in all

After struggling with my luck, and an enormous fish,  I lost the battle. The fish was a good and worthy opponent though. He had me trying to catch him for three days in the middle of the sea, with no help at all. I did wish that the boy was there to help me along the way though. It sure would have been much easier. Together, we could have won this battle and brought back that fish for everyone to see. His parents would have been proud and would have let him fish with me every day, no doubt. But I still did the best that i could. for being by myself. I did a pretty good job for an old man with a cramped hand, I'd say. I had to fight off several sharks as I tried to keep as much of the fish as I could. I fought for as long as i could. I ran out of weapons, out of energy, I was tired, and my body hurt. So many things were going wrong.  I didn't even know what I was fighting for. Was it for my own personal pride? To teach Manollin a lesson? To sell the fish for food? Was it a sin to kill the fish? I was thinking way too much and I just needed to go home. I gave up on that fish. There were too many sharks and hardly any meat left on the fish. I ignored the sharks tearing off the meat of the fish hanging from the side of my boat, as I made my way home. I kept the skeleton of the fish. I carried it all the way back to my house on my already worn out and tired back. When I woke up the next morning, the other fisherman were in my house, along with Manolin. What did they think? Did they believe that I actually fought, on my own, for this huge fish? I sure hope so. The fish was eighteen feet from nose to tail. The other fisherman said there had never been such a fish. I hope that all the fisherman, young and old, will respect me now. They don't know what a tough struggle i went through, just for that eighteen foot skeleton. I went for eighty-five days with no luck at all. I finally got lucky and caught this Marlin. My lucky streak ended though, because I didn't get the fish. Manolin was relieved to see me. He cried. He also said that he is going to fish with me everyday. I may not have gotten the meat on the fish, but I did gain pride, from the other fisherman, Manolin, and from myself. I also got Manolin back, and that is better then anything. So, even though, the fish won the battle, I won something better. Family

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Final Fights

The sharks kept coming and coming. They would not leave my fish alone. With every shark, there was less and less meat on the fish. I was tired and hungry. I was running out of weapons to use to deffend my fish. I lost my rope, my knife, my harpoon, everything. I had to start beating the sharks with my old, weak hands. Thankfully, i know just where to hit them to kill them. The base of the brain. I was getting close to home though. I did get some rest, but then there were more sharks. There was hardly any fish left. I know that I had been beaten. After that, i paid no attention to the sharks eating the fish carcass. When i finally reached my town, i carried the skeleton of my fish to my house. When i awoke the nesxt morning, the other fisherman and Manolin were in my house. Manolin was crying. I think it was because he was happy to see that i was safe. He is going to fish with me again.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Fighting for the Fish

The fish is strong and wise. It is a very good opponent. The only company I have had, besides the fish, was a bird. But he didnt stay long. I ate some of the tuna to keep me strong. I now have a rope burn and a cut under my eye. The fish jerked me forward and a part of the boat cut me under the eye.  I talk to myself a lot. No one is here to hear me so it's alright. My hand is cramping pretty bad.  The fish is swimming higher now, so i can tell it is getting tired. I wish it would swim with the current. I would know then that it really was getting warn out and tired.  I am glad it isn't a dolphin. Dolphin are too sweet. The fish is my brother but i must kill him. I ate more tuna to stop the cramping in my hand. I hope it stops soon.