Thursday, September 27, 2012

Lucky Number Eighty-Five

After fishing for eighty-five days, I have finally caught something. It must be pretty big because it has pulled me pretty far in the middle of the sea. I have been very patient waiting for a fish. This fish definitely is a worthy opponent. It is strong and smart. I respect it for that. I will not let this fish get away, i have been very patient waiting everyday to catch something. I knew it would happen on the eighty-fifth day, its a lucky number. I sure wish Manolin was here with me. He is very talented when it comes to fishing. He cares about me a lot and he is a very well behaved boy. We share the same interests; fishing and baseball. Especially Joe DiMaggio, a player for the Yankees. Manolin is a good kid. He wants to fish with me, i know he does, but he is a child and needs to obey his parents.